List of Tamil words in Balochi language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Balochi language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Balochi or Baluchi is an Iranian language spoken primarily in the Baluchistan region divided between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. Balochi belongs to the North-western Iranian linguistic classification. It is spoken by 3 to 5 million people. In addition to Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, it is also spoken in Oman, the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, Turkmenistan, East Africa and in diaspora communities in other parts of the world.

Clues to read Balochi words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’.
Add /change vowels then and there.
Letter ‘m’ and ‘n’ can be added or deleted.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted/ added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once it has to be read only once.
If we jumble the letters of the given Balochi word a Tamil word can be arrived.

Ref- Balochi - English Dictionary by- Naser Dashti
English- Balochi – Tamil
1.honour/dignity- aabroo-perumai
2.strong fire- aadoo-thee/fire
*3.of equal status- aa dee – oththa
*4.hurdle/ stoppage- aa dekaa-thadukka/ to stop
*5.taking rest- aa saak-saaika
6.repose- aa soodhagee-saainthiduka
7.cursing- aa see s- yaesu
8.voice /sound /speech/talk- aa waa z- waai asai ; waai- mouth; asai- move; oaasai sei ; oaasai- sound; sei- make.
*9.making a sound- aa waa zag- oaasai seika ;seika – make; oaasai- sound.
*10.came /arrived- aah th- adaiya
*11.came/arrived- aah thag/athk- adaika
* be beaten- aahoodag- adikka/ to beat
*13.for ever- a ba dhee- eppothum
*14.broken- athaar- udaithar
*, burning- arah- eriya
*16.soul- arwaah-arivu
*17.crying- l dik kag- azhuthiduka
18.the sound asking to be silent- uss – ush
*19.joining- os saar- saera
*20.mush room- a gaa lin ch-kaalaan
*21.marriage- og dah- kattu
*22.lamentation- al waath-azhuthidu
*23.crying- al waan-azhuva
24.mother- ammaan- ammaa; ammaan/ mother goddess side- indeym-intha idam
26.all of a sudden- chaththahee-sattu nnu
* bring down- eyr geyj-erakku
28.deep sleep-eyr gidd- urankkida / to sleep
*29.this- indhee -intha
*30.father- baa baa-appaa
*31.crazy – baa thaa-piththu
*33.patient-- bar burdh-perum poruthi; perum- big; poruthi- patient.
*34.burying the dead- baar dhe yag- pariththiduka/ bury
35.loud cry- bab kaat-kaththa
*36.boast- bataak- peeththuka
*37.swollen- ba tag-pudaikka
*38.small in size- but tou-podi
*39.small in stature- betikk-podiyaaka
40.see/observe- be chaar-paaru
*41.death- badh-poaeida/ gone
*42.cursing- badhdho aahee -paadu
*43.mythical flying horse- boraaq- parakkum pari; parakka- flying- pari- horse; letters are read more than once.
*44.hut- barattee-purai idam
* roast- bir j- pori
*46.being roasted- berejag-porikka / to fry
*47.roasted- birthkag- poriththiduka /to fry
48.talking bad things behind some one’s back- barpushthe-purani/ puram paesida ; paesu- speak ; purani- back biting .
49.making it big- burzaarag- perisaakku ; sirusai perisaakku ; letters are jumbled; letters are read more than once ; sirusu- small; perisaakku- make big.
* cut- bu ragh-arukka
*51.high level of tolerance- barg- porukka /to bear
*52.snatcher- ba rou k-parikka / to snatch
*53.product- barouk- perukkam
*54.income- barouk-perukkam
*55.abundance- barkath-perukida
*56.income- barwardh- periya varaththu ; periya- big; varaththu- income .
*57.abundance- bar gall- periya ukkal ;periya- big; ukkal- abundance .
* separate- burrag- pirikka
59.big sack- barra kee- periya koani pei ; periya- big; koani pei- sack ;
*60.bulky/fatty- bur gah-perukka
*61.roast meat- ber yaan- pori uoon; pori- / fry; uoon- meet.
*62.fried- bereh thag-poriththiduka /fry
63.fatty horse- barhad- peruththa pari; letters are read more than once; peruththa- big; pari- horse.
64.strong- barhad- paer uruthi ; letters are read more than once; peruththa- big; uruthi- strength.
*65.making a rope- berey sag- puri seika; puri- rope; seika- make.
*66.hungry- bazzagou- pasikka
*67.enmity- bughaa- pakai
*68.arm pit- ba ghal- akkul; kai kuzhi; kai- arm; kuzhi- pit.
69.small size – bakatthee-kutti
70.share- bak sh-pankku ; paku /to share .
71.the sound of howling- be kaad- koovidu ; ka= va; va= ka.
72.boat- bagalah-kalam; kappal; letters are jumbled.
*73.small child- bul lou- pillai
74.dirt- bulgulou-azhukku ulla; azhukku- dirt; ulla- has.
*75.being bright- balag-pala palakka ; letters are read more than once.
*76.shining- bel be lag-pala palakka
*77.wander- bo lan dhou-alanithidu
78.son of-ben- paiyan
* ban-pann
* tie- bandhag- pinaiththiduka
*81.product- boodh-padaippu ; padai- produce; riding- bor sawaaree-pari yaeru ; pari- horse; yaeru- mount.
*83.divide something into two or more parts- bahr-piri/ divide.
84.division- bahr-pirippu
85.division- bah rag-pirikka/ to divide; pirivu/ division; ka= va; va= ka.
*86.mock- bohgud- pakadi
87.hymn- bayth-thuthi paattu ; thuthi- praise; paattu- song.
*88.restless- beythaab -pathai pathaippu ; letters are rad more than once.
89.without fear- beydhadak-peethi adaika /to have fear; peethi -fear; adaika- to have.
*90.blind- be dheedh-pottai attack- beydagh- poattu thakku ; letters are read more than once; thaakku- attack.
92./making someone fearful- paathraa p- peethi ura/ to have fear; peeethi- fear;ura- to have .
93.foot- paadh-paatham; adi.
*94.garment woven with silk threads- paatoolee-pattu izhai- pattu- silk; izhai- thread.
* pat-pattu
*96.sword- paad- patta
97.making a hole- paadagh-oaattai poaduka ; letters are jumbled; oaattai- hole; poaduka- make.
*98.taking care of- paa rath-paarththida
99.crowd scattered- -paarithk—pirinthiduka
100.scattering of crowd- paarechag—pirika
*101.swollen- paahorag-perukka; parukka.
*102.swollen- pup podag- pudaikka
*103.wrapped- pathaathag-pothi iduka; pothi- wrap; iduka- make.
*104.flat- pathan-pattaiyaana
*105.being restless- paththad-pathaiththida
*106.restless- pat doukh-pathai pathaikka; letters are read more than once.
* padhhad-paaththidu ; thaedi paaththidu ; letters are read more than once.
108.looking for something/searching- pat t-paaththidu; thaedi paaththidu ; thaedu- search ; paaththidu – see.
109.looking for some lost object- pat tag-paathhtiduka; thaedi paaththiduka.
110.shawl made from wool or cotton- pathoo- pattu; patti / cloth; padaam; puttam/ cloth.
*111.short in stature- patakkee-podiyaaka / small
*112.person of small nature- pat tou-podin yan
113.a web made of silk- patee tha ndh-nethitha pattu thuni ; neitha- woven ; pattu -silk ;thuni- cloth .
114.running- padhdheeyag- oaadiduka ; paainthu oaadiduka. suffer a defeat—padhdheeyag-thaoththiduka be compensated- pa dhdheyagee-eedaaka of the mountain- par- porai/ paru / mountain; parampu .
* par-porppu ; letter ‘p’ is read more than once.
* speedy - par baar- para para nnu
*120.loud sound- par laa – paer oli; paer- big; oli- sound.
*121.respectable- purmadaah-peraum mathippu
*122.from that side- paroudhaa-appuraththae /that side.
*123.restless- pe ree pe ree- para para nnu
*124.fairy- pa ree- paei uru ; uru- form; paei- ghost.
125.untwined/uncoiled /unfolding- parreychagee-pirikka
126.jerky movement of the bird/after being shot- padkagh-pada padakka ; letters are read more than once .
*127.closing a hole- padath-poththu / close; oaattai yaei poththu ; letters are read more than once; oaattai- hole; poththu- to close.
*128.capturing and dragging- pedekkee- pidika/capture
129.a container for weighing grains- padou pee-padi who reads- padouk-padikka /read
131.which side/which direction- p koo-ep - pakkam ; pakkam- side.
132.water container- pa kaal-paani kalam; paani- water; kalam- vessel.
* a flower- pul lou-poo poala ; poo- flower; poala- like.
*134.beautiful- pul lou-pozhivu
135.dust- puluk-azhukku / dirt
136.dirty /impure- paleth-puzhuthi / dust
137.five- panch-anchu
138.fifth- pan chu mee-anjaam; panjami.
139.a ball- po thou-panthu
*140.boasting- puth-peeththu
*141.talking nonsense- -puththaaree—pithattru
*142.a rupture- poot-pottida
143.hole- poot-ponthu
*144.bringing up- padhag-paaththiduka
*145.protected- podhagee-paathu kaakka
146.burying under the ground- pooragh-parikka/ bury
*147.poor- poo rou-paraari
*148.lie- poo raa-poei urai ; poei- lie; urai- say / speech .
149.young male goat- ouk ad- kutti aadu ; kedaa kutti ; kutti- young; kedaa- goat ;aadu- goat/ sheep. old lady/old man- pahad-paatti/ old lady/ grandmother
151.pride- pahr-perumai
152.folded/rolled- peythkag- pothi iduka /wrap
* pee thee- petti
154.production-peydhaa esh – padaippu
* old person/sufi/saint- peer -periyoar
*156.fastening the luggage- peyd- poottu
*157.elderly- peereyn- periyoan
*158.making something flat- pey dag-pattai aaakku ;aakku- make.
159.the first speech- peysh tharaa n- muthar paechchu ; muthar- first; paechchu- speech .
160.shooting first – peyshtheer-suduthar/ shooting
161.adulthood of a female- pee laghee-penn aalaaka ; penn- female/ girl; aalaaka-to become an adult .
*162.odd/single/one- thaa-oththai
*163.aunt- thaa thoo-aththai ; thoththaa .
*164.learning steps of a baby- thaa thoo-/thaa thee-
165.odd number- thaa kh- oththai ennikkai ; oththai- odd; ennikkai- number.
*166.a push- thaa d – idiththidu
*167.heavily built, bulky- thaa dak-thaattiyaaka
168.fresh- thaa zah- puthusu
169.storey of a building- tha bak-adukku
*170.a style of drumming- thabuk-thappuka / beat
171.being on the same page- the paakee- athae pakkam ;athae- same; pakkam- page.
172.stammer- thuth raa- thiththuthar
*173.ran/ fled- thathk- oaadiduka
*174.shaking- thath thar-aaduthar
*175.pushing away- thu dagh- idikka
*176.defeat- thir r- thoarppu
177.small drum- tha rum b- damaaram ; thoa maram .
*178.give up / leave- thark-thurakka
*179.wanderer- thar ruok- thirika/ to wander
*180.equal in weight- tha dah- oththa edai ; oththa- same; edai- weight.
*181.weighing- thou r- edai iduthar; edai- weight; iduthar- make/ measure.
*182.thick mat- thak- thadukku
183.wood from juniper tree- tha dee- thadee/ wood object which is giving support to another- the kah- thaankki
185.pool- tha laap- thollam tha laff- thole object with layers- the lou- yaedu ulla; yaedu- layer; ulla- has.
188.complete /whole thing- tha maa m- moththamum; letters are jumbled.
*189.making at rest/ making to sleep- theley shag-thalai saaikka; thalai- head; saaikka- repose.
* than gah- thankkam
*191.alone- than yaa/ thah naa ee- thaniyaa
*192.alone/ single- they wak- oththaiyaaka
*193.fattening- thou gaa h – thadikka
*194.a big pot- thou l- thaazhi
*195.middle- thah- idai
*196.wooden pilar- thoun dee- thoon thadee ; thoon- pillar; thade- wood.
197.kind/ type- thahr- tharam
*198.the next one- thee- aduththu
*199.keeping a distance- tha eyl- ettathhtil /at a distance
*200.riding- thahodagh- oaattuka /ride
*201.protruding tummy- tibb- thoppai
*202.the sound produced by walking feet- tapp tapp- tap tap
*203.sound produced by the fall of a small object- tupp- thoppu nnu
*204.thick- tatt- thadiththa
*205.beaten- tippethag – adi poaduka /to beat
*206.hamlet- ta tee- thotti; patti thotti .
*207.sound made by a discharging flatus- turr- dur
208.haphazard stitching- tataahag/ tatag- theiththiduka/ to stitch
*209.sharpening of a grinding stone- tuk kag- thettuka
*210.prevention/ obstruction- tall- thaduththal
*211.pour/ poured - tall aa/ till – uooththuthal
*212.cut into pieces- tun tee- thundee
*213.hanging- tan gag- thonkka
*214.strike- tou kag- thakku ; adikka .
*215.a beautiful girl- teetal- theiyal
*216.way of drumming- tey kah –thattuka/ adikka/ beat
217.long hair/ head hair - jaadh- sadai / plaited hair
*218.sorcery-jaa dhoo- soothu
*219.sorcerer- jaa dhoo ger- soothu kaarar
*220.home- jaa gah- saaikai / repose
*221.assets- jaae dhaadh- soththu
222.a pair- juth k- soadiyaaka
223.sexual intercourse- juthkag- oaaththiduka
224.beaten- ja thag- adikka/ beat; saaththuka/ beat.
*225.defeated- ja thag- thaokka
* jarr- seerai
227.a young she – camel- ja duk- ottakam / camel
*228.being attached- juo dag-sdaeththiduka/ attach
229.cough- jakk-kakka
230.bitter- jo gutt /jo kuthth—kaiththida
231.power/ strength- jo kuthth- kedi ; kadumai .
*232.chopping- jo kudh-koththu
233.beating with hands- jo kudh- kai kuththu; kai- hand; kuththu- give a blow.
234.the one that is shaking at its base- -jak sok- asaikka asaikka ; asaikka- shake.
*235.always eating or chewing- ja ga rag-korikka
236.thief- jugglou-kallan
*237.wandering- ja lak-alaika
*238.paradise—jan nathth- saen naadu
*239.desire- joodh sottai ; aasai udaiya .
240.burning- juhr dagh-eriththiduka / to burn
241.chronic lung disease- jah laa- sali/ phlegm
242.curtain- chaa dher-thirai
243.ready for fight- chaaa dek kah-sandai iduka/ to fight
244.trick- chal- soozhchchi ; letter is read more than once.
245.cunning- chaalak- soozhchchiyaaka
246.midday- chaash th- uchchai thinam ; uchchai – top ; thinam- day .
*247.midday meal- chaas thee- uchchai theettai ; uchchai- top/ sun in the sky ; theettai- food.
248.closed- chupth-saaththu
249.tight- chupth- pidiththida
250.beat- chupth-
*251.eating- chupth- saappidu
*252.cut- cheth- seththu
253.piece of cloth used as an under wear-chuthth-jatti ; siththaadai
254.light touch- chu tuk- thoduka/ touch
255.light touch- cha taar- thoduthar/ touching
* die- chut ta gee –seththiduka run- chut ta gee- oaadiduka ; sattu nnu oaadiduka .
*258.a drop- chutt- sottu
*259.earthenware crokery -chad- satti / pot
260.the pot in which a dog drinks water- chat tah- satti/ pot
*261.letter/ mail- chittee-seithi
*262.loss- chattee- saetham
*263.joke/ fun- chirrik-sirikka/ to laugh
264.light rain- churraap-soriya
*265.dripping of a fluid- churrag-sorika
266.urine- chur rou-siru neer
267.breaking- cho dag-udaikka
*268.making additions- ch dag-saeththiduka
269.dirty- chilk-azhukku
270.lean- chal luk- olliyaaka
271.crying for justice- cha lak kag-azhuka /cry
*272.shaky- chandok- asainthiduka /to shake shake- chand- asainthida / shaking
274.piece of cloth – chin dhee- sinna thuni
275.dripping- chun dag- sottuka
276.small- choo-sinna
277. sound made to call a dog- chaao- choa choa
278. loin cloth /shorts - chou thou- siththa adai ; jatti .
*279. small boy- choo ree- siriyoar
280.guard- chou- kee dhaar- kaakkindravar ; ka= va; va= ka.
281.guarding- chou kee dhaa re; kaakkindra
*282.boundary wall of the house- ha veli- vaeli
283.wandering- cha land ag- alainthiduka
284.anger- khaar- karuppu
*285.crow- khaa koo- kaakkaa
*286.tribal chief- khaan- koan
*287.khan family- khaan kheyl- koan kulam ; kulam- family .
*288.hollow- khaa le- kuzhiyaaka
*289.empty- khaa lee- kaali
*290.hollowed – khaa lee eyn- kuzhiyaana
*291.emptied- khaa lee eyn-kaaliyaana
*292.whole community/ family - khaa houth- kudi
*293.destruction-khath mee- kaedu
*294.alms giving- khath mah-kodai /alms giving
*295.unfastened- khatt – kattaathu ; katttu- to fasten .
*296.huge dog- khurr – kukuran /dog; root word is kuraikka- to bark.
*297.snoring- khar khar –koar koar
*298.sound produced by a person with chest congestion- khar khar – ghar ghar
*299.crazy- khad-koatti
*300.abundance- kha rou f- koorppu
*301.line/ drawing - khath – koadu
*302.letter- kha th – kaditham
*303.crime- kha thaa- kuththam
*304.speech /talk - khethaa b- kathaippu
*305.clay- kha lou- kali munn ; kali- clay; munn- sand/ soil .
*306.sufferings- khowaa ree- kurai
307.grain/ rice/ wheat - dhaa neyn k- thaaniya vakai ;thaaniyam- grain/ millet; vakai- type/ kind ; ka= va; va= ka.
*308.mid wife- dhaa ee-uoottu thai; uoottu- fed; thaai- mother.
309.drizzling- dha rrab- thoora/ drizzle
310.door/ opening - dhar- thirappu
*311.tailor- dhar zee –theiyar
312.menstruation- dha rey-theettu adaithar ;theettu- menstruation ;adaithar- to have.
*313.sea/river- dhar yaa- thirai
*314.a kick- dha dao- uthaiththidu
315.foot- dha dao-adi edu/ take a step; adi- foot; edu- take.
316.tooth- dhan thaan – thantham
* dhun yaa- thinai
318.attacking un expectedly- dho - dhirr- thider ena adiththidu; thider- sudden; adi- beat
319.sudden run- dho dhirr –thideer nnu oaadida ; oaadida- run. stitch- dhou ch- thei
*321.similar- dhook kee-oththa thaaka
322.ten- dhah- paththu
323.salary- dhe haa dee- eettam
*324.deception- dhoho kaa- yaeiththiduka
* give- dha ey – thaa
326.singing- dhey dha lee- paaduthal
*327.distance- dheeree-ettaththir
328.type of drum- dhaeyrag- thoar karuvi ; ka= va; va= ka; thoar- leather; karuvi- instrument; thama rookam .
329.position – daa-idam daa- aattam
331.a place in southern Balochistan- daam –idam/ place
*332.shaking- daa kagh- aadiduka
333.ancestral / from grandfather – daa daaee-thaaththa/ grandfather
334.strong/solid - dad d- thidaththoadu ; thidam- strong.
335.big tummy- did-d- thonthi
336.stammering- dach kagh- thikkiduka
337.sound of a rifle fire- dhazh zh – dizheium dizheium
*338.strike- dakk- adikka; thaakka .
*339.collision- dakk- idikka
*340.imprisoning- dak kag-adaikka
341.sound of the drum- dam/ dam dam – daum daum
342.sting- dang- theenduka
*343.a botheration- daol – thollai
*344.arm- doao laa- thoal beating of heart – deepag- thudikka
346.lifting a burden on the shoulders- da houkh –thookka/ lift
347.stones- raag hah- kar; letters are in reversed order.
348.shepherd- raaochee- aayar
*349.reaped- rothag- aruththiduka/ to reap
350.dirt- rak-karai; letters are in reversed order.
351.kind /type- re qam ; rakam ; root word is kooru – letters are in reversed order.
352.of different types- reqam re qam – rakam rakamaa
353.sun- rouch- naayiru
354.sunrise- ro tikik- naa yiru yaeriduka ; naa yiru- sun; yaeriduka- to climb.
355.sunset- rouch nin dhag- naa yiruy saainthiduka; saainthiduka - to repose
356.unripe fruit- zakka- senkkai
357.goldsmith- zargar-sarakku karar ;sarakku- gold.
358.strength- zekath- kadumai; kattam
359.bad language- za kath- ketta paechchu ; letters are jumbled; ketta- bad; paechchu- speech
360.pure- za gar- karai inmai/ without dirt; karai- dirt; inmai- without. za maan- munn
362.farmer- za meen dhaar – munn udaiyaar
363.soon/ in a moment- zooth than- sattunnu
364.shepherd- zah paan- suppan ; maeippan.
365.mountain spring- zoun k- kamai sunai ; sunai- spring; kami- mountain .
366.make- saa zish- - sei
*367.make- saa zag- seika
*368.musician- saaz ger- isai kaarar ; isai- music . praise- se path- paadu; thuthi paadu . praise- saa daa- thuthi
371.praised- saa daa theg- thuthikka
* tempered person- saa do lee- soodaana aal; aal- person; soodu- hot.
373.killing/ destroying- saa lag- azhikka that is green- sab ze yn- pachchaiyaana
375.pierced- sapth poththidu
376.flat foot- sa patt -pattai paatham ; paatham- foot.
377.striking of wings to its sides by a bird- sa patt –pada padaththida ; letters are read more than once.
378.preparation- sith ragh- seithu tharuka / prepare and give; sei- prepare; tharuka- give;thayaarikka .
379.burnt- soth kag –theikka;the iduka/ to burn ;thee- fire.
380.small drop- sitt- sinna sottu ;sinna- small; sottu -drop. run- sitt- oaadidu
382.jump- sitt- thaandu
383.the one that jumps- sittouk- thaanduka/ to jump
*384.gambling- ssat tah- soothu aattam ; aattam- game.
385.without weighing- sat tee- edai iaadthu ;edai- weight.
386.hard/ solid- sakh th- kettiyaa; kadinam
387.breaking- se dhag- udaikka
388.break- se dh- udai
389.suddenly and aggressively moving forward /attacking- sudh doo –sattu nnu adi; adi- beat; sattunnu- sudden.
390.speaking loudly- sad doo- oaasai yoadu oaathu; oaasai- sound; oaathu- speak/ recite.
391.small piece- sad doo- sinna thundu ; sinna- small; thundu- piece.
*392.poem/ melody- sur- seer / poetry metre abode- saraadh- saer idam ;saeru- to reach; idma- place. work on a net- saraacheg- sari seika/ to repair
395.slide /slip- sar ka pind- sarukkindra ; letter ra is rad more than once; sarukku- slip .
*396.being angry- surrag- seeruka
*397.being angry- surrethag- seeriduka
398.slave who is kept as a wife- suryath- saerththi
399.febrile fever- sa duk- soodaaka
400.tired- susth- asathi
401.dirty- sel gath- azhukku udaiya
402.healthy- sa laa math –na lam udaiya
403.faeces of cow- sump- saenam
404.Sinthu – Indus River –sinthu / river
405.pebble- sin ga luk- sinna kallukal ;sinna- small; kallukal- stones.
406.trader- sodhaa ee/ seetb – setti
407.merchant- so dhaa ger- tharakar ; letters are jumbled. sou ghaath- kodai
409.sad- sok- soakam
*410.wealthy- suhr rooh- seer udaiya ; seer- wealth; udaiya- has.
411.whistle- seet- seetti ; uoothu .
412.fear- shaa- achcham
*413.blouse- shaa k- sokkaai
*414.whip- shath- saattai
*415.whipping- shath dhee yag – saattai adikka ;adikka- beat.
*416.good/ rights - sharr- sari
417.died of hunger- sho dh marg- pasi yoadu maraika ;pasi yoadu- with hunger; maraika- die/ disappear.
418.hunger- sho dhee g- pasi edukka / to have hunger
419.hunger - shodh laa pee- pasi eduththal ; letters are jumbled.
420.hunger- sho dh- pasi yoadu / with hunger
421.hungry- sho dhee k- pasai adaika
*422.muddy place- shor dh- saeru udaiya idam ; saeru- mud; udaiya- has; idam- place.
423.sweet beverage-sher bath - pattai saaru; saaru- juice; pattai- aromatic bark.
424.justice- shar- aram; neri.
425.alcohol beverage- sha raab- saaraayaam ; suraa paanam .
426.alcohol drinker- sharaaabkhour –saaraayam parukiravar ; ka= va; va= ka; letters are jumbled; paruku- drink .
*427.clay pot- shad- satti
*428.small quantity of substance- sha re ath- siriyathu / small
*429.scratching- shur rag- sorika
430.plucking- shur rag- parikka
* /town- shahr- saeri
*432.milk- sheer- seer; root word is sura- to secrete.
*434.clay- sheero- saeru
435.patience- sabr-porumai
436.divorcing- tha laa q dhee yag- thalli vaiththiduka ; ka= va; va= ka.
437.type of camel with short hooves- theeh – ottai/ camel
438.sound- sadhaa- oaasai udaiya/ with sound; oaasai- sound. aalam- gnaalam
* wife and childran -ayaal- il /family; illaal /family man .
*441.small in size- ghud doo- kutt
*442.minor /child- ghud doo- kuttan
*443.aim- ghar az- kuri
444.tumult- ghal ghal- kalakam
445.confusion- ghal ghal- kuzhappa kuzhappa
*446.bath- ghusl-kuli
*447.fattened- ghull-kozhu kozhu nnu
448.concern- ghaeylaa-kavalai ; ka= va; va= ka.
*449.vomiting- ghaee- kakka
450.profit- faae dhah- payan adaiya
451.paradise- fer dous- periya thoadu ;periya- big; thaodu- garden. fer dous -periya thoadu ;periya- big; thaodu- garden .
*453.pharaoh- Ferhoun- Paraiyan
*454.bitter- qaathil- kaththiduthal
*455.kill- qaathil- kaathuthal
456.fault- qasoor- kurai
457.writing pen- qalam –mai kole; letters are jumbled; mai- ink; kole- stylus
458.writing with a pen- qalam kaa ree- mai kolaal keeru- keeru- write; mai- ink ;kole- stylus.
*459.prison- qeydh- kottadi
* that has been bitten- -kaa dhee- kadithidu /to bite
461.job/act /work - kaar – karumam ; kaariyam
* cut- kaat- kaathu
*463.bunch of sticks- kaat- kattai kattu; kattai- stick; kattu- bundle.
*464.knife- kaa taar- kuththu koadari / dagger; letters are read more than once. place of a handloom weaver- kaar gaah- kaarukar akam ;kaarukar- weaver.
*466.sound produced by a crow- kaarag- karaika
467.workman /artisan- kaa ree gar- karuma -k- kaaran
468.beautiful girl- kaad- kutti ; kattaichchi
*469.latrine- kaa koos- kakkoosu ; kakka- shit.
*470.letter/ paper for writing- kaa gadh- kaakitham
* kaal ah- kulam
*472.flesh/ meat- kaal ah- kazhi
473.elder brother- kaa kaa –kaakkaiyan
*474.clearing of the throat to seek attention- kaa kaa rag- kaaruka
475.a person of good character- kaan – kunam/ good character
*476.bowl- kaalo- kalam; kalan.
*477.shallow well- kaa nee-kaeni
*478.cupping- ko bug- kooppuka
479.basket for dates- ka paa th ; koodai ;eenthu koodai ; eenthu – dates.
480.a person of bad character- ka thal- ketta aal/ bad person; ketta- bad; aal- person.
*481.abode- ka thah- kudi ; koattam.
*482.settlement- ka thah- kudi ; kudi kaadu; letters are read more than once.
483.making signal-ka thee- saei kai kaattu ;saikai- signal ; kaattu-show.
*484.aggressiveness- ko taa ee- kadumai; kodiya .
*485.sound produced by the strike of a solid object with another – kat kat- kada kada
*486.thick jungle- ket- kaadu
*487.hardened wood- kitt- kattai
*488.type of wheat – kutto- koathu; koathumai
489.a pup- kutto/ kutee- kutti naai ; naai- dog; kutti- small/ young.
490.a crowd- kato paar ; peruiya koottam ;periya- big; koottam- crowd.
491.crowding- ka to pag- - koottam kooduka ; koottam- crowd; kooduka- together; letters are read more than once.
* rot- ke tag- keduka
*493.chattering- ke tee ke tee- kathai kathaiththidu
495.a small boat- ka tee- kadaththu
496.hut- kuddik- kudi akam
*497.small hut- kud dee- kudi sai
498.hole /pit- kadd- kundu
*499.bird’s nest- ko dhou-koodu
*500.cawing of a crow- karaak/ karaakag -karaika
501.language of the Kurd- Kur dh gaa le –kuruthukkalin mozhi ; mozhi- language ; Kurdhu- kooridu /say/ speak
502.dirty/unclean person- kar thee laa- karai udaiya aal ; karai- dirt; udaiya- has; aal- person.
503.ironsmith- kar zaee-kammiyar
*504.dirt- kars- karai
*505.beautiful woman- karkas- kaarikai kursh- karai /as opposed to sea.
*507.darkness- ka rou daa- karuththa /dark
508.related to rooster- ko rou se- saevar /rooster; ka= va; va= ka; letters are jumbled; kokkrakkoa- sound of rooster.
*509.abundance- kad thal- kadal
*510.a guess- kud- kaniththidu
*511.rotten- ke dey thag- kaedu adaika
*512.bracelet- ka dee- kadakam
*513. hook- ka dee- kokki idu / to hook; kokki- hook.
*514. bolting the doors- ka dee- kondi idu ; kondi- bolt.
515. a coin of lowest denomination- ka see raa- siriya kaasu ; letters are jumbled; siriya- small; kaasu- coin.
*516.pit/ hole- kall- kuzhi
*517.container- ko laanj – kalan
518.lower side- kul laan dha ree –keezhaanaa tharappu ; keezh- lower/ under; tharappu- side.
*519.dwarf- kolaan z- kullan
*520.making a mockery / ridiculing- ka laa g- ikazhuka ; kaeli aakku ; kali aakku .
521.bad person- kal p- kaali payal; letter ‘l ‘is read more than once
*522.cap- ko laah-kullaai
523.the field with pits/ holes- kal ko lound- kalam kuzhiyum kunda ; kalam- field; kuzhi/ kundu- pits .
524.crockery made from clay – kul lou- kali munn kalam; kali munn- clay soil; kalam- vessel. of many places in in Balochistan- kal lag- kallakam
*526.crowd- ko lulu- kuzhuu
*527.small sail- ka lam mee- kalam /ship; kulla kalam.
*528.abundance- kolulu- kollai; kezhumai
*529.the wood piece in the centre of the mill stone- kolee-kazhi
530.key- kee le th- thaa- kole ; letters are jumbled.
*531.little/ few- kamm/kammee- kammi
*532.little /few- kam muk- kammiyaaka
*533.little / few- kam meyn- kammiyaana
534.large earthen jar- kumb—kumpai
535.potter- kumbaar- kumpa kaaran ; letters are jumbled.
536.corner- kunj-koanam
* un married girl- kunj-kanni
*538.hole/ pit in the ground- kand- kundu
539.a broad and shallow container- kundaa-kundaan
540.a huge sack- kin zee- koani pei ; pei /bag
541.girl- ka nishk- kanikai
*542.a pool- kundee- kundu
*543.door bolt- kundee- kondee
*544.necklace- kan deeg- kandikai
*555.person of small stature- kuthaah- kuttai yan
*556.small in size- kuthaah- kuttai
*557.castle- kot-koattai
*558.fault- ku thaa he- kuththam
*559.abundance- kot- kadi; kaadu
560.thug- kot- kaedi ; kodiyoan; root word is kodiya/ ketta – evil/ bad .
*561.cup- koup-koappai
562.a woman without ornament in her ears - kut t- kaathu thoadu kidaiyaathu; letters are read more than once; kaaathu- ear ; thoadu- stud; kidaiyathu- without.
*563.beating- kou tag- kottuka
* kotee- koodam
* bite- kur raa- kori
*566.hut roof- kur raa- koorai
* make a cut- kur raa- keeru
*568.beautiful lady- kur raa- kaarikai
*569.howling of dog- kooragh- kuraikka
*570.half blind- kou ra tou- kurudu / blind
*571.half blind person- kou ra to eyn- kurudan/ blind person
572.wrong- kood- kuththam
573.huge pot- kodee- kudam
574.deep abscess- ku dag- kattiyaaka / to become an abscess
*575.rounded object- koul-koalam
576.the cooing sound produced by a dove- koo koo- koo koo
577.skull- kom paal- enpu kalam; letters are jumbled; enpu- bone; kalam- vessel. *578.prostitute- kun nee- kanikai ; letter ’k ‘is read more than once.
579.stone- koh-kan
580.mountain- koh- kan ; kamai .
*581.puddle- koha dee- kuttai
*582.a tribe in Sindh and Balochistan- kath ree –koottaththaar
583.penis- keyr- aan kuri ; aan- male; kuri- symbol .
*584.stool /faeces-kee kaa – kakka
585.scale - ka ey l- alavu kole ; kole- sticccck ;alavu- measurement ; letters are read more than once; ka= va; va= ka.
586.measuring- kaey lo- alakka; letters are in reversed order. ornament for the ears of a male- key wa tee- kadukkan ; kaathu thoadu; kaathu- ear ;thoadu- stud .
588.tying together many cattle heads -gaa tagh -kattuka/ tie
589.made sex- gaath- koodu/ unite / have sex
590.partner- gaa dey r- koottukkaarar ; letters are read more than once.
*591.deep hole- gaar- koarai
592.cave- gaar- kukaram
*593.dysentery- gaa soo lah- kazhiya; kazhisal / letters are jumbled.
594.type of boat- gaa le- kalam
*595.word- gaal- kuyil
*595.speech- gaal- kilappu
*596.capture- gep th- kaipaththu
*597.being biten- gat tee- kadiththida gatt- kadamai
*599.throat- gut ta loo- kazhuththu ; letters are jumbled.
*600.pierce with a pointed object- guthth- kuththu
*601.pride- gath- kaduppu
602. companions- yakkdhel -koottaali/ companion
*603.cloth- gudh- kuttai; koadi
604.male goat- gud dee- kedaa ; aattu-k- kedaa .
*605.getting sleepy- giddag-kidaikka / repose
*606.last one- gud dee –kadai
*607.garment- garaaz- koorai
* cut- gud dag- kaathuka ; kaathiduka ger jaa- koavir
*610.dirt- gar z- karai
*611. dirt- gar dh-karai udaiya; udaiya- has; karai- dirt
*612. to walk- gardh- kaar edu
*613.walking- gardhag- kaar edukka; kaar- leg; edukka- take.
*614.howling- gur rag- kuraikka
615.heap of pebbles- gar gad- kar koottam ; kar- stone.
616.the mouth of uterus- gerao- karu pai vaai ; karu – embryo ;karu pei- uterus; pei- bag ; vaai- mouth; ka= va; va= ka.
* gad- koottam
618.bundle of cloth- gad- kattu thuni ; kattu- bundle; thuni- cloth. flee- god- kudu kudu ena oaadida ; letters are read more than once.
620.friend- gad dhu lee- kaathalan
*621.calamity- ga daah- kaedu
622.ear ornament- ga doul- kaathu oalai ; kaathu- ear .
*623.settlement- gad- kudi
*624.digging- khuth thag- kenduka
625.speech- gufth- kathaippu ; letters are jumbled.
*626.beautiful- gul- kalai
*627.herd /group- gal- kuzhu
*628.owl- gug goo-kookai
*629.cheek- gull- kavul ; ka= va; va= ka.
630.potter- gil kaar- kala kaaran ; kalam- vessel
*631.type of dance- go mur- kai murai
*632.seeing- gin dhag- kandiduka
*633.visit- gin dhuk- kandiduka
634.meeting- gin dh- kandidu /to met
*635.bundle- gand- kandu
*636.pool- gan dou- kundu
*637.counting- gan dagh- kaniththiduka; kanakkiduka ; letters are jumbled.
*638.handle of a sword- gao- kai/handle
*639.air /wind- go waath- kaaththu
* /air blower- gowaa thou- kaaththaadi
641.castrated person- gowaa thou- kaai adiththa; kottai adiththa ; kaai- testis; kottai- testis.
* castrate- goahthagee-kaai adikka; kottai adikka .
*643.filthy- goo thee- ketta
644.a region in Baluchistan- goathr-kudi iruppu / settlement; Qatar.
645.cattle herder- gou khal- koa kaavalan ; ka= va; va= ka ; koa- cow/ bull ; kaavalan- protector.
*646.cow man- go waal- koa valan
* beat something and convert into particles- gout- kuththu
*648.taking care of- gaor- akkarai /care
*649.shelter for cattle- goo dee- kottadi ; kottakai .
*650.attire- goa ree- koorai / cloth
651.bellowing sound produced by bull- gud thag- kaththuka/ cry /shout
* go dao -koadai
653.spoken- goash thag- kathaikka/ speak listen- goush dhaar – kaathu koduthhtu kaettiduthar ; kaathu- ear; kaettiduthar- hear .
*655.a stick- gou laa- kazhi
*656.cluster- geyd-koththu
657.cluster- gey dagh- koththu koththaaka / in clustrs
*658.coming together- gey dagh-kodduka
*659.sound of difficult breathing- geer geer- ghar ghar
660.forgetting- geeraam- marakka ; lettrs are in reversd ordr.
661.forever- laa za waal-ella vaelaiyum ; ellam- all; vaelai- time.
662.being heirless- laa waa resee- uriyavar illai ; illai- without; urivar- the person with rights.
663.vagrant- /profligate- laan da heer-alanthiduthar / to wander
664.type of dance with sticks- lat to kee -kole aattam; kole- stick; aattam- play; letters are jumbled.
*665.dirty- lekhed- azhukku udaiya ; udaiya- has; azhukku- dirt . ludh dhah- aal aayida /to become an adult; aal- person; aayida- to become.
667.poor- luzg- yaezhaiyaaka/ poorly; elimaiyaeka .
668.strike with foot- la gath- kaalal etti uthaikka ; letters are read more than once; letters are jumbled; kaal- leg; uthaikka- to kick.
669.short- lukkee-kullam; letters are in reversed order.
670.drawing- la keer- keeral; letters are jumbled.
*671.sexual intercourse of animal- lag-ozhukka
*673.invitation-- lo tuk-azhaiththiduka/ to invite
674.word- loz-sol; letters are in reversed order.
675.small water pool- looheeg -ilinkku
676.dirty- ley ghaar-karai ulla ; letters are jumbled; karai- dirt; ulla- has.
*677.crying- leeh-azhu
* lee lee- ezhil
*679.mother/elder/grandmother -maath-moo thaai ; mooththa thaai ; thaai- mother; mooththa- elderly.
*680.mother- maa dha ree-maa thiru
*681.mother- mamey- amma
*682.grandmother- mamey/maaee -amma ayee / mother’s mother
*683.grandmother- maasee-amaachchi
*684.maternal uncle- maa maa-maama
685.elder- masther-mooththoar
*686.elderly- mehther-mooththoar
*687.incompletion- maato- mudiththidaathu
*688.mountain- maad- maedu/ mound
*689.palace/ multi storeyed building- maa de-maadam
*690.wealth- maal-mall
691.type of drum- maa ledh- maththalam; letters are jumbled; moththuthal /beat is the root word..
*692.wrestler- maa loo- mallan
*693.hesitation- maan gou-mayankka
*694.mind- math-mathi
*695.shaved head- me thak-mottai adikka; mottai- tonsure.
696.good fortune- mo baa re kee-perukkam; lettrs are jumbled.
* exchange- mat taa hag-maaththuka
*698.exchanging- mat tbadhal-maaththiduthal
699.the one who changes- mat touk-maaththuka/ to exchange
*700.fist- mutt-mutti
701.making a single and simple braid- mut tukh- mudi pinniduka / mudi- hair; pinniduka / to braid.
*702.deceiving- muttag - yaemaaththuka
*703.proverb- ma thal- muthu mozhi ; mozhi- saying; muthu- old.
* modhee-muththam
*705.death- maraandh-marainthida/ disappear
*706.dead- mark-maraika
708.bravery- mar dhee-mara thanam
*709.rabbit- moroo-muyar
710.male sheep ram- ma daa- moaththai ; maeinthidu/ to pasture is the root word.
711.herd of male sheep rams- ma daa gal-moaththai kuzhu ; kuzhu- group .
712.dumb- mus- uoomai
713.crematory- masaan -maasanam
714.Intoxicated- mas thee-mattai
*715.buttock- ma ghund-kundi
*716.respectable- mo tho bar-mathippu ura ; perum mathippu; letters are jumbled.
*717.stomach- me dhah-moadu
*718.maize- mak kaee-makka cholam
*719.soft /smooth- mal mal-mazhu mazhu/ mozhu mozhu
7220.summit of a mountain- mullu-malai uchchi ; malai- mountain; uchchi- top.
721.mythical verse- man thar-munu munuththar / murmur/ whisper; manthra.
*722.lazy- mandh- mantham
723.acceptance- mano ge ree- manam yaerkka ; manam- mind; yawerkka- to accept ; letters are jumbled.
*724.grumbling- mun mo nag- munu munukka
725.honour- man geh-maenmai yaaka
*727.masturbation- mut t- mutti adi
728.form/structure- moorath-thoattram ; letters are in reversed order.
* moodh- mudi
*730.knot- mod-mudi
*731.quick/fast- mah thaa- mada mada
*732.dead body- ma ee yath-mattai with a lot of body hairs- mee dhou- mudi udaiya/ with hair; mudi- hair; udaiya- has.
734.ruler- meer-mannar
735.herd of sheep- mey gad- moaththai koottam ; koottam- group ;moaththai- sheep .
*736.finger nails-naa-khun-naka kann/ nail bed
737.poor- naadhaar- naathaari ; indri/ without
* naar-neruppu naa rinj- naarankkaai
740.bread- naan- uoon/ food
741.benefit- nap-payna; letters are in reversed order.
742.penis- na rikk-aan kuri ;aan- male; kuri- symbol; letters are in reversed order.
743.person- nafar-oru aan ;oru- single/ one; aan- man ; letters are jumbled.
744.marriage- nekaah- inaikka/ unite
745.eye-nagah-kann; letters are in reversed order.
*746.small- nunn-nunniya
*747.ray of light- noor-niram
748.spreading- waa paragh-paravuka; ka= va; va= ka.
*749.answer- waad-vidai
*750.poor- waar-variya
751.heir- waares-uriyoar/ those who have the rights
* waa dee-vaadi
753.good odour- was- vaasanai
754.sleeping- wapthag- padukka weth- vedippu
756.small bowel- wattee-vatta
*757.lending money on interest- wattao-vatti/ interest
758.minister- wazeer-amaichchar
759.form- wad-vitham
760.young fisherman- wa ley dh- valai iduvoan ; letters are jumbld; valai- net ; iduvoan- one who applies ; ilaya vayaththinan ; ilaiya- young; vayathu- age.
*761.home- weydah-veedu
*762.bend/curve- wahlee- valaiya
763.wanderer- weylaak-alaika /wander
*764.hole- weelaa- valai
765.spitting out the phlegm- hakh kh-kakkuka
766.hiccough- hekk-vikka ; ka= va; va= ka.
767.rain- haoar-urai
*769.howl- hool- uoolai
*770.throwing- heer-eri
771.testicles- hey kul-kaaikal /testes
*772.what- ha eyn- enna
773.small boat dug out from a single log- yak kdhaar- kattai yaei kudaithar ; kattai- log; kudaithar- to scoop out .